Sunday, November 10, 2013

Nearly finished raptor legs.

 As you can see, I've progressed a fair bit since I posted last! The two pieces on the floor were before I cut them out, and keep in mind the toes still need trimming, plus the rest of the hook-toe needs to be done, and the little back dewclaw hasn't been glued on yet. 
 Here's where I'm at currently, still need the hook-claw-toe to be glued down which I will do when I have made the hook claw. I'm quite proud of the muscles really though, haha. It just looks so nice.
 The legs look so nice from the side, too!
 Just a little picture I took to show how the fat raptor claws look on the bottom toes. I remade the toes also, if you can tell because I wasn't happy with the lack of symmetry on the old ones. Very happy with them now, though!
 I also remade the hands, which looks quite nice now too. :)
Good comparison of the claws.

Currently I need to glue on the back claws, make the torso and then it's onto the hook claw and head. Very exciting, I hope to progress a lot but I need to order stuff. :\

Saturday, November 2, 2013

DreamVision Creations Items.

I ordered claws, hinges and my fan from DreamVision Creations, which is owned by Monoyasha who made the velociraptor costume I'm so fond of. I ordered all the claws I'll need except for the one "hook" claw as I intend to make that one myself since I'd rather a different shape than what they offer. Overall I'm very pleased with my order although there was a little mix-up about getting holes dripped in some of them that I'll go over in a second.
 This is the fat raptor claw, which will be used on the toes. It looks really neat, haha.
 I spoke to Monoyasha about how she sewed these claws onto the fabric of the toes instead of gluing it down because it came right off when glued. I requested holes drilled at checkout for them but it was overlooked by accident so currently we're trying to figure out if I've got the right tools here to do it or if I'll need to send them back to get it done. I certainly don't want my raptor toenails to fall off while walking around. :P
 I ordered four fat raptor claws. Two for each foot.
 These are small feline claws for the dewclaw--I probably could have gone for a large feline claw for that but this'll do just fine as well. These will be glued down and I don't think we'll have any issues with them falling off...they're solid, not hollow and will probably be glued down with E6000. The only thing that makes me worry about these falling off is how they are going to be upside down.
 Skinny raptor claws, which will be used for the fingers. Six in all, one for each finger (duh).
 V-hinge for the head, which will be installed on it when it's all done. Sure hope it works well, haha.
 $8 will get you four pieces in all, enough for one head.
Then the fan! I ordered the 3 inch wide fan with toggle, $33. I don't have any batteries around to test it, I'll need to buy some 9V batteries (which are way expensive but that's all right) but I don't think it's going to be loud or anything based on now that I've played around with it a bit.