So after the thighs were done, I kept working on the calves/ankles. I'm very proud of how the legs look from the side, still unsure about the future for the front of them. Haha. Very easy process to snip snip snip away and it's probably my favorite, way more enjoyable than the math and measuring.
As you can see, I have a little piece at the bottom that runs along the side of the foot. I removed that as it was a hassle when walking.
I'm still quite proud of them.
Using the Foam Fast 74, I attached the legs to the dummy and then tried it on a while later. Gluing was easy, the stuff isn't as messy as I thought it would be.
Back of the leg. The back around the thighs won't be padded, at least not yet, as that's where the tail will go and we're going to try and make it fit around the tail as best as we can. Currently my goal is to be at the head-making by mid November.
Current front of the thighs...the one on the right isn't as carved down as the one on the left in this image. Not sure how much I like it honestly, haha. :b I think it'll look a lot better when I see fabric on it...but I dunno. We'll see.
Obnoxious selfie with the dummy in the background. Didn't have anyone to take a picture for it. I think it's coming along well, keep in mind the kneecap is supposed to stick out further than the thighs so it will be more "bent" looking. But honestly? The kneecaps are giving me hell.
Again, not sure how much I like the way it looks yet. Gonna have to see it with kneecaps and toes before I can really determine precisely what the thighs need.
Okay, so lemme just say I have made many kneecaps that I have yet to be happy with. Circular ones from 2 inch foam were good for walking but they didn't look right. Made an oval pair and it looked terrible from the side. Tried laying up two together and it didn't look like knees. Not where where I'm going yet with that but I do know the legs are super-duper padded and are going to be the hottest part of the costume. Just gotta be glad I'm not putting any foam inside the legs...
My foaming around the ankle zippers. The spandex will be put specifically around it so the zipper will not be seen from the back. Also keep in mind there will be a dewclaw back here toward the inside but I think I'll work on that when I have the front of the leg done and have the claws here (which, by the way are on the way! All of them ordered from Dreamvision Creations except for the raptor "hook" claw which I will be casting on my own since I want a different look than what they offer).
More kneecaps I was not happy with. The Foam Fast 74 is pretty great. With the Super 77 it left this weird crusty feeling between the foam that was really difficult to cut through. The 74? Nada. It's like it's one solid piece of foam. It's dreamy.
Once again, more kneecaps I'm not happy with. I've experimented a lot so far but it looks like I've got more to go. Currently I've got this planned:
- Finish kneecaps. Front toes. Back dewclaw.
- Redo the toes on the shoes. Not happy with how they look and I think I've got a better method of doing them.
- Redo the fingers. I want a more muscular look to them.
- Start carving the head from the rigid foam, then use the clay to sculpt over it and yadda yadda yadda. That's when I'll get into some more detailed tutorials. Right now it's just kind of boring foaming that's easy to figure out, haha. :b